
This page contains an outline of the topics, content, and assignments for the semester. Note that this schedule will be updated as the semester progresses, with all changes documented here.

week dow date topic prepare slides ae hw lab project notes
1 M Aug 28 Welcome to STA 210
W Aug 30 The big picture
Tu & Th
Lab 00
2 M Sep 4 NO LECTURE: Labor Day
W Sep 6 Simple linear regression
Tu & Th
Lab 01: Park access
3 M Sep 11 SLR: Bootstrap confidence intervals Statistics Experience assigned
W Sep 13 SLR: Randomization test for the slope HW 01 assigned
Tu & Th
Lab 02: Ice duration and air temperature
4 M Sep 18 SLR: Mathematical models for inference
W Sep 20 SLR: Model conditions HW 01 due
Tu & Th
Lab 03
5 M Sep 25 SLR: Model evaluation HW 02 assigned
W Sep 27 Multiple linear regression / Guest Lecturer: Sam Rosen
Tu & Th
Lab 04
6 M Oct 2 Exam 01 Review HW 02 due
W Oct 4 Exam 01
Tu & Th
NO LAB: Dedicate time to exam
7 M Oct 9 MLR: Feature engineering
W Oct 11 MLR: Model workflow
Tu & Th
Lab 05
8 M Oct 16 NO LECTURE: Fall Break
W Oct 18 MLR: Model comparison + cross validation
Tu & Th
NO LAB due to Fall Break
9 M Oct 23 MLR: Cross validation application
W Oct 25 MLR: Inference, conditions, variable transformations HW 03 assigned
Tu & Th
Lab: Project proposal
10 M Oct 30 Logistic regression Intro
W Nov 1 Logistic regression: Odds ratios HW 03 due
Tu & Th Nov 2 Lab 06: Logistic regression + merge conflicts
11 M Nov 6 Logistic regression: Prediction + classification
W Nov 8 Logistic regression: Comparing models HW 04 assigned
Tu & Th
Lab: Work on project
12 M Nov 13 Logistic regression: Inference
W Nov 15 Mulitnomial logistic regression HW 04 due
Tu &Th
Lab: Project draft peer review
13 M Nov 20 Project work day Statistics experience due, HW 05 assigned
W Nov 22 NO LECTURE: Thanksgiving Break
Tu & Th
NO LAB: Thanksgiving Break
14 M Nov 27 Multinomial logistic regression: Prediction + Inference
W Nov 29 Exam 02 Review HW 05 due
Tu & Th
Lab: Work on project
Fr Dec 1 Round 1 submission due (optional)
15 M Dec 4 Exam 02
W Dec 6 No Lecture: Work on Exam 02 take-home
Tu & Th
Lab: Project presentations
Exam period NA Dec 13 Project: Final written report + Organized GitHub repo due


  • Lab:
    • Lab sections 01 & 02 (Tuesdays): Labs will be due on Fridays at 11:59pm.
    • Lab sections 03 & 04 (Thursdays): Labs will be due on Sundays at 11:59pm.
  • Project dates will be added when the project is assigned.