Welcome to STA 210 Labs!

Aug 29 & 31, 2023

Meet your TA!

Pink sticker that says Hello my name is.

Meet each other!

  • Get into groups of 4 - 5.

  • Introduce yourself - Name, year, major

  • Choose a reporter

    • Need help choosing? Person with birthday closest to today’s date.
  • Identify 8 things everyone in the group has in common

    • Not being a Duke student
    • Not clothes (e.g., we’re all wearing socks)
    • Not body parts (e.g., we all have a nose)
  • Reporter will share list with the class.


What to expect in lab

  • Introduction to the lab assignment (~ 5 - 10 minutes)

  • Work on the lab assignment (individual for the first few weeks, but in teams for the rest of the semester)

  • Lab instructions will be posted on the course website

  • Start each lab by finding your assignment repo in the course GitHub organization

    • More on the computing tools during lecture

Any questions about the course?

Today’s lab

The rest of the today’s lab is focused on setting up the computing for the course and completing the class survey. Click the link below for the Lab 00 instructions.

🔗 sta210-fa23.netlify.app/labs/lab-00.html