Lab 05

Feature engineering + model comparison

Oct 10 & 12


Team workflow

  • Only one team member should type at a time. There are no markers in today’s lab, but you should use a similar workflow as Lab 04.

    • Every team member should still be engaged in discussion for all questions, even if it’s not your turn type.
  • Don’t forget to pull to get your teammates’ updates before making changes to the .qmd file.


    Only one submission per team on Gradescope. Carefully read the submission instructions at the end of the lab instructions.

Tips for working on a team

  • Do not pressure each other to finish early; use the time wisely to really learn the material and produce a quality report.

  • The labs are structured to help you learn the steps of a data analysis. Do not split up the lab among the team members; work on it together in its entirety.

  • Everyone has something to contribute! Use the lab groups as an opportunity to share ideas and learn from each other.

STA 210 Mid Semester Survey

Please take a few minutes to complete the STA 210 Mid Semester Survey.

Click here to access the survey.

Resources for Lab 04