Lab 01

Exploratory data analysis + Simple linear regression

Sep 05 & 07, 2023

Getting started on Lab 01

Do you have the lab-01 repo?

  • Go to the GitHub course organization:

  • You should see a repo with the prefix lab-01- followed by your GitHub username

  • If you do not have this repo

    • Clickhere to create your lab-01 repo, AND

    • Go to the course organization and accept the invite in the banner at the top of the page. If you do not see the invite, click here to (re)submit your GitHub username.


Follow along as your TA demonstrates the following:

  • Configure Git using SSH

  • Clone repo (using SSH) and start new project in RStudio

  • Render document and produce PDF

  • Update name in YAML in the Quarto doc

    • Render, commit, push changes to GitHub

    • See updates in your GitHub repo

  • Add an R code chunk to the Quarto doc

Tips for working on lab

  • You do not have to finish the lab in class, they will always be due Friday (Tuesday labs) or Sunday (Thursday labs). One work strategy is to get through portions that you think will be most challenging (which initially might be the coding component) during lab when a TA can help you on the spot and leave the narrative writing until later.

  • Do not pressure each other to finish early (particularly once you start working on teams); use the time wisely to really learn the material and produce a quality report.

When you’re done with lab

  • Make sure all your final changes have been pushed to your GitHub repo

Submit the PDF of your responses to Gradescope

  • You can access Gradescope through Sakai or the course website

  • Login using your Duke NetID credentials

  • See Lab 01 instructions for details on submitting an assignment on Gradescope

Lab 01: Park access

  • Today’s lab focuses on exploratory data analysis and simple linear regression. Read the lab instructions carefully.

  • There are markers throughout suggesting when to render, commit, and push changes to GitHub. These are to help you start using version control in your workflow.

  • There are points for having a neatly formatted document and implementing a reproducible workflow. See the Workflow & Formatting section in the Lab 01 instructions.
